In the first paragraph, the author refers to a highly reputed critic's persistence in believing van Meegeren's forger...

Kostey80 on October 28, 2019

Example 4 ??

For example, 4 can you exclude C and D, just because it uses probabilistic terms? I exclude them because of that as whant to make sure I am correct/incorrect in my assumption

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Skylar on November 3, 2019

@Kostey80 Happy to help!

This is a great observation. For the most part, you are correct. Since this is a parallel reasoning question, we want to find an argument that is most similar to that of the passage. Therefore, if the passage does not use probabilistic terms, we will probably not end up with a mirroring answer choice that does. However, it is important to note that the question is only asking for the pattern of reasoning that is "MOST similar." So, if all the other answer choices have been eliminated and the only difference between the passage and the last answer choice is that one uses a probabilistic term and the other doesn't, it could be the correct answer.

Another helpful technique to quickly evaluate if an answer choice should be eliminated is to determine if it is a flawed or valid argument. If the passage is flawed, the correct answer should also be flawed, and vice versa.

Does this make sense? Please let us know if you have additional questions!