The information in the passage provides the most support for which one of the following statements about copyright law?

Meredith on October 28, 2019

Why D

I didn't choose D because of the phrase new practice nothing in the passage indicates that the practice is new ... can someone please explain?

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Irina on October 28, 2019


The support for the fact that the practice is new is found in lines 1 and 16-20. The passage talks about a "recent," i.e. new, case that is unique in a sense that copying of materials was done by a third party and for profit though the use of course packs is, otherwise, a common practice. on April 14, 2020

Why is E wrong? I thought the court practice is primarily interested in protecting educational efforts. Thanks. Sorry for asking about this question again.

Emil-Kunkin on March 31 at 02:16PM

While that is a goal of the court in question, we have no idea about the overall aims of copyright law as an entire body of law.