October 2010 LSAT
Section 4
Question 20
If Juarez's session is on the 3rd, then which one of the following could be true?

Irina on November 6, 2019
@tomgbean,This order is fine generally but this question asks us which of the following could be true if J is 3d, whereas your hypothetical has J on the second, thus it is inapplicable to this question. If J is #3, M must be #1 or #2 since M must be on an earlier day than J. We know that H must be after J since at least 2 sessions must separate M and H, thus we only have three open spots left after J (one is occupied by H), meaning FGK must go in these spots. Since L must go before F and it cannot be #2, L has to be #1 in this scenario, which means M must have session #2. F must be #4 since GK must go after F, and H cannot be in #4 because at least two sessions must separate M and H. GK must go together and could either be #5 and #6, and H would be #7 in this scenario. Or alternatively, H could be #5, and GK #6 and 7. These inferences allow us to conclude that if J is #3, only two scenarios are possible:
We can thus conclude that only (D) could be true, (A) must be false since M must be #2 if J is #3.
Let me know if this makes sense and if you have any other questions.
tomgbean on November 7, 2019
Thanks. Missed that. Will read carefully in the future.Garrett20 on October 28, 2020
I'm having trouble seeing why the letters ordered: MLJHFGK would break the rules. In other words, why does L need to be first?Garrett20 on October 28, 2020
Pardon me...I didn't read the last rule :)