By characterizing certain cuneiform inscriptions on the clay tablets found in Uruk as "abstract" (line 10) the author...

xDaltonLaney on November 12, 2019


I feel like A and C are similar. Aren't the inscriptions obscure and hard to decipher because they don't resemble what they designate? I understand I should've picked A now but in the moment how do I make that distinction.

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BenMingov on November 12, 2019

Hi xDaltonLaney, thanks for the question!

I believe that the distinction is that just because something doesn't resemble what it designates does not make it obscure and hard to decipher. There are many abstract symbols that humans use and either through common knowledge or through context/use, these symbols are neither obscure nor hard to decipher.

The abstract representation of sheep starting in line 6 is an example of how despite a symbol not resembling an actual sheep, the researchers were able to clearly identify that it meant sheep.

Hope this helps!

hatemz on May 10, 2020

Wait this confuses me... isn't the answer C?