Educator: Traditional classroom education is ineffective because education in such an environment is not truly a soc...

DDL on November 15, 2019


I am unsure of how to conclude the correct answer.

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AndreaK on November 15, 2019

Hi @DDL,

Let’s break this one down to see if we can make it a little easier to understand in an intuitive way.

Conclusion: Traditional classroom education is ineffective

Premise: Because only social processes can develop students’ insights
Premise: And education in such an environment (traditional classroom) is not a social process

Essentially, you need social processes to development students’ insights. However, we’re told that traditional classroom education doesn’t have social processes. So that means that in our traditional classroom, student’s aren’t developing their insight.

Question: The educator’s conclusion follows logically if which one of the following is assumed? (In other words, which one of the following will guarantee the truth of the conclusion?) - Sufficient Assumption

Conclusion: Traditional classroom education is ineffective

So as we discussed above, what we can conclude from the premises is that in our traditional classroom, student’s aren’t developing their insight. So if your goal is to prove that classrooms aren’t effective, all you would need to say is “If the students aren’t developing insight, then the traditional classroom isn’t effective.”

D does that in a roundabout way.

D) Education is not effective unless it leads to the development of insight.
So like our prediction, if students aren't developing insight then we know the education is not effective. In other words, the development of insight is necessary to effective education.

Hope this helps! on October 21, 2020

Why is the answer not C?

lklop on June 17, 2021
