June 1992 LSAT
Section 1
Question 13
That the policy of nuclear deterrence has worked thus far is unquestionable. Since the end of the Second World War, t...


Irina on December 4, 2019
@bingolawyer,That's correct - we are looking for a statement that would weaken the conclusion in the stimulus.

Henleys on March 20, 2020
Why not B? Is it because this isn't describing a flaw? We are just weakening.BenMingov on March 20, 2020
Hi @bingolawyer and @Henleys, thanks for the question.One thing to point out before examining the question at hand. Weaken and error are so closely related that often the difference isn't exactly relevant. Correct answer choices in a weaken question will actively attack the argument, while correct answer choices in an error question will simply describe the flaw.
This is actually an error question.
Answer choice B is incorrect because the author never contended that it is impossible for a nuclear war to occur on the basis that it has never occurred in the past. In order for an error answer choice to be correct, it must actually have been made in the argument. While it would be erroneous to conclude that it cannot happen in the future, the author did not state this.
Answer choice D is correct because, while it may be true that nuclear armament has had some impact on the lack of a Third World War, it is not necessary that this is the reason for the lack of nuclear war. Perhaps instead of worrying about uninhabitable lands and mass casualties after the war, past, current, and future world leaders are concerned with maintaining peace or have environmental concerns about nuclear war. In this case, economic concerns are cited. That could be a reason for the lack of nuclear war, rather than deterrence.
I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

DevinFuller on October 2, 2023
Hey Ben, answer choice D is not correct. E is correct.
DevinFuller on October 2, 2023
D would actually strengthen the argument if i'm not mistaken.
Emil-Kunkin on October 3, 2023
Good catch, looks like a typo. It is indeed E, and Bens analysis is still correct, he just mistyped D.