The work of the New Women, as it is characterized in the passage, gives the most support for which one of the followi...

shafieiava on December 7, 2019

Answer choice C

Can someone please explain why C is incorrect? Thanks!

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Ravi on December 8, 2019


Let's look at why (C) is incorrect.

The question asks, "The work of the New Women, as it is characterized
in the passage, gives the most support for which one of the following

(C) says, "Changes in social customs inevitably lead to changes in
literary techniques as writers attempt to make sense of the new social

The problem with (C) is that the idea discussed regarding the changing
of social customs inevitably leading to changes in literary techniques
is far too strong to be supported by the example in the passage of the
New Women, so we can get rid of this choice.

(D) says, "Innovations in fictional technique grow out of writers’
attempts to describe aspects of reality that have been neglected in
previous works."

The New Women and their work is addressed in the last paragraph of the
passage. The New Women primarily focused on undiscussed facets of
female consciousness, which led them to create new types of artistic
techniques in order to represent those elements of the female
consciousness. Thus, (D) is strongly supported by the information in
the final paragraph, as the New Women intended to explore various
facets of female consciousness that had not been studied before, which
caused them to create new, innovative artistic techniques, so (D) is
the correct answer choice.

Hope this helps. Let us know if you have any other questions!