Which one of the following, if true, would most strengthen Lessing's contention that a painting can display aesthetic...

thom on December 9, 2019

Example 2

Could you elaborate more on the explanation for answer choice (D). I am not understanding the difference between one's reflection of the mirror and their appearance in real life. Thanks!

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BenMingov on December 10, 2019

Hi Thom, thanks for the question.

The image in a mirror is reversed, while the image of something in real life is not. When we look at our face in a mirror, we are seeing a reversed image of our face, while when others see our face, it is not reversed.

Answer choice D provides that this picture was unique in that it shows John's face reflected in a mirror. We need to examine whether this would explain the discrepancy between John looking at a picture of himself and thinking it looked like him and his friends seeing the same picture but not agreeing that it looked like him.

Considering most of the time that John sees his own face is in a mirror (most likely), then he is used to this reversed image of his face. He does not see an issue with it. However, his friends are not used to seeing his friends in a mirror but are more used to seeing his face non-reversed in real life (again, most likely).

This could very well explain why he and his friends would have two different reactions to the same picture of him. And that's why it is correct.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions.