Based on the passage, Cameron is most like which one of the following in relation to her fancy-subject pictures?

tomgbean on December 14, 2019

C vs. E

Please explain why E is better than C?

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BenMingov on December 16, 2019

Hi Tomgbean, thanks for the question!

Not sure if you meant to write it the other way around but it is actually answer choice C that is better than answer choice E.

Answer choice E is a difficult answer choice to definitively cancel out as incorrect, but it is wrong because it is not paralleling the purpose of the art. Cameron is trying to depict fictional/mythical scenes and make illustrative art (line 16). She is not trying to portray reality as would a documentary.

Answer choice C is supported by lines 48-50 in which we are told that she created her works of art using everyday objects. In addition to this, the grandeur of the art is paralleled in lines 43-46 (where her work is called a treasure and lines 54-57 (where her works are described as being well received despite the amateur quality).

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions!