Some eloquent speakers impress their audiences with the vividness and clarity of the messages conveyed. Speakers who...

Lucas on December 20, 2019

Not able to post on the other guys comment to find the answer

I meant to say that I don't see any some statements until the end of B, where the passage says at the end has none, which clearly to me indicated that B doesn't match with the passage above, due to logical path

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BenMingov on December 20, 2019

Hi Lucas,

Unfortunately, I'm not exactly sure what you are referring to about the other comment/post. But I'll try to answer this question with what we have here!

What you are saying about B ending with a some statement vs the passage ending with a none statement holds true. However, I just want to emphasize an idea here, the order in which items are presented do not matter but rather the logical structure of an argument.

In this case, answer choice B concludes with a "some" statement, while the passage concludes with a "none" statement. It is not about where in their argument they bring up an idea, but how they use it. If our passage concludes "none", then our parallel answer choice must do the same.

This is how answer choice E parallels the argument.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions.