November 2018 LSAT
Section 3
Question 26
It can be inferred from the passage that the author presumes which one of the following to be true?

shunhe on January 1, 2020
Hi @Lena-Chan,(B) is incorrect because although lines 36-40 discuss this theory, it's actually presented as Carroll and Chen's innovation. However, the passage doesn't indicate whether or not the author actually supports this view or not. Although the author presents their theory, we can't assume that she presumes their theory to be true, which is why we can't just yet pick (B). (C) is a better answer here, as it is a scientific fact that the author relies upon right before the lines you mention. Hope this helps!
filozinni on June 18, 2020
Hi @Shunhe, but wouldn't a hot and dense state represent high entropy? I thought that a cold, empty space had low entropy, not a hot and dense one. Could you please explain? Thank you!Alex-Ward-2 on September 23, 2020
@Filippo, I believe lines 30-36 will help you understand the reasoning behind choosing (c).Matthew on May 25, 2022
The claim that a hot and dense universe is low-entropy is not presumed, it is explicitly stated. When presented with questions like these, should we ignore the condition that they be "presumed?"
Emil-Kunkin on June 28, 2022
Hi @filozinni, I would treat this as a must be true question, where we need to find what the author must agree with.