Some critics argue that an opera's stage directions are never reflected in its music. Many comic scenes in Mozart's ...

Travis on December 28, 2019

Question Breakdown

I chose answer C and I was wondering if someone could break this question down for me and help me understand where I went wrong. Thank you !

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Skylar on January 14, 2020

@Travis, happy to help.

(C) is incorrect because the passage makes the claim that an opera's stage directions are reflected in it's music. In other words, the stage directions have an effect on the music. (C) reverses this to make the claim that the music has an effect on the stage directions. The key here is reading the passage carefully enough to be able to recognize (C)'s substitution of recognition for having an active effect.

(D) is correct because it identifies the overall conclusion of the passage as stated in the final sentence- that "a change of scenery" and "other stage directions as well" can all "be reflected in the music." The statement in question is a Premise in the passage, which means it ultimately supports the conclusion of the passage, which is (D).

Does that make sense? Please let us know if you have any other questions! on April 10, 2020

Here was I thought I just had.... in an argument structure setting question.... when it asks you about a specific segment of the stimulus and then it says that part of the stimulus is "offered in support of the claim that" does that mean generally what is the conclusion of the argument? Thats whats really being asked in this given situation?