If Lateefah is a facilitator, then which one of the following could be true?

MACZ on January 3, 2020

Why does M have to be on the red team?

I know that L and J have to be on the grean team and that O has to be on the red team. I also know that the red team needs at least one more person on it at the minimum. I took this as a must be true question. So couldn't either M or K be on the red team and then the other one have the posibility to be on either team? Therefore M doesn't have to be on the red team because K could be on the red team and then M could be on the green team.

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SamA on January 5, 2020

Hello @MACZ,

I wonder if there is a typo in this question. I can't remember ever seeing a question that asks what "would be true." I think it is supposed to say "could be true." Your understanding of this question seems to be correct, because M doesn't have to be on the red team with O, but it could be. All of the other wrong answers cannot be true, which leads me to believe that there is a typo here. I will try to report it.
