Dillworth: More and more people are deciding not to have children because of the personal and economic sacrifices ...

Travis on January 6, 2020

Question Break Down Please

I need help understanding this question

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Annie on January 12, 2020

Hi @Travis,

This question requires you to understand Dillworth's argument and then pinpoint how Travers' is responding to that argument.

Answer (A) is incorrect because Dillworth is not assuming that children only acquire values from their parents, but rather that a parents are not recognizing that their best chance at passing on values is through children. He never states that this is the only place kids acquire values.

Answer (B) is incorrect because Travers' argument does not say that Dillworth was claiming these sacrifices are irrelevant (which Dillworth also does not state).

Answer (C) is incorrect because neither Travers or Dillworth state that people with deeply held values reject opposing values. This answer is irrelevant to the argument.

Answer (D) is incorrect because Travers does not say that a desire to perpetuate values shouldn't be a factor in peoples decision. Rather, he states that the fact that kids are ungrateful is usually related to their rejection of their parent's values. His argument focuses on the kids, not the parents, while this answer choice focuses on the parents.

Answer (E) is correct because it correctly states the point of Travers' response. He points out that Dillworth treats values and ingratitude as separate ideas but really they are connected. Travers states that kids are often ungrateful because they reject their parents values, therefore their lack of gratitude can be a consideration in parent's decision not to have kids, even with Dillworth's argument.