The author mentions the fact that we rarely focus our eyes on mirrors (lines 39-40) primarily in order to

tomgbean on January 8, 2020

E vs. C

I chose E also and ironically the evidence I used for E was the evidence used for the correct answer to this question. The fact that mirrors makes us perceive a two dimensional object as a three dimensional object could support E. Further, because we rely on perception rather than perception, this psychological activity could be said to be modifying the shape of the object we are perceiving.

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Annie on January 14, 2020

Hi @tomgbean,

This question requires you to analyze a specific line in the passage and determine why it is there. The best way to go about doing this is to review the line referred to, and then go back and review the whole paragraph it's found in to give it context.

(C) is correct because it states why the example about focusing our eyes is being used. It requires you to look just before the referenced line at lines 36-38. This statement tells us that mirrors are designed to make objects appear to have depth. Then, the passage gives the example provided. As the answer choice states, this example is being used to help explain the statement made just before it.

(E) is incorrect because the passage and the example never discuss psychological activity- rather they talk about human perception and physics. You are bringing in outside knowledge to connect psychological activity and human perception.