June 2015 LSAT
Section 4
Question 20
If an issue of the newsletter has no technology feature and if there is a finance feature that occupies both slots 4 ...


shunhe on January 8, 2020
Hi @AnnaC,Thanks for asking! This question is a bit weirdly worded. Basically, the first rule tells us that features that occupy more than one slot must occupy consecutively numbered slots. But there can still be two different features of the same type - so we can have two finance features (perhaps one's on stocks and the other is on bonds). We know there's a finance feature in slots four and five and no technology feature, so there has to be a finance feature in slot 1 based on the second rule, which makes (A) the correct answer. We don't need to connect slot 1 with slots 4-5, so (B) isn't necessarily true. Hope this helps!
Julianna-Mathiellis on September 24, 2020
I have a general question about the game setup here. How did you know that you have multiple features of from the same issue type? I thought that even though you could repeat issue types,making it to "three" would include three DIFFERENT issue types. So, I thought that F I G FF would be invalid, but in actuality it is valid.
I did not deduce this, and this was the reason that I missed a lot of questions from this game.
AndrewArabie on September 23, 2022
Hi Shunhe, to Anna's point, we know F has to be in slot one which makes 3 F's but since there is still more than one, to ensure both Fs have a partner, wouldn't there have to be another in slot 2?
Emil-Kunkin on December 18, 2022
Hi, the second F does not need to have a partner. We could have F, Graphic, I/M/F, F (4 and 5)