When an ordinary piece of steel is put under pressure, the steel compresses; that is, its volume slightly decreases. ...

Lucas on January 21, 2020


I went with E

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Ravi on January 21, 2020


Good job—(E) is the correct answer!

(E) says, "be thinner in the portion of the glass that is under the
pressure of the object than in those portions of the glass that are
not under that pressure"

(E) most logically completes the argument because we know from the
stimulus that the glass will flow away from the object, so (E) is the
correct answer choice.

Does this answer your question? Let us know if you have any other questions!

zachmorley2 on November 23, 2020

I take it that "glass is fluid" is a counter-intuitive claim designed to fool us and waste our time, and that we ought to simply assume that it is true regardless of our apprehension of doing so.