To face danger solely because doing so affords one a certain pleasure does not constitute courage. Real courage is ma...

shafieiava on January 23, 2020

C and D

Can someone explain why C is incorrect and why D is the correct answer? Thanks in advance.

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SamA on January 24, 2020

Hello @shafieiava,

The stimulus sets up the rules for courageous behavior. "Real courage (RC) is manifested only when a person, acting to attain a goal (AAG), perseveres in the face of fear (PFF) prompted by one or more dangers involved."

RC - - - - - - - > AAG and PFF

Let's discuss C. Just because someone derives pleasure from some types of danger, it doesn't mean that they can't be afraid of other dangers. The person described in answer choice C is not necessarily disqualified from the requirements of "real courage."

Imagine someone who loves skydiving, but is scared of water. If this person dives into a river to rescue a child, then that behaviour would be considered courageous according to the stimulus. Skydiving wouldn't be considered courageous, but it wouldn't prevent this person from being courageous in other situations.

D is correct, because fear is a necessary condition for real courage according to the stimulus. If someone is not afraid, then they cannot persevere in the face of fear.

linda on May 15, 2021

When taking the contra positive of the last statement of stimulus, wouldn't a, b and e be considered as as failing to meet the contra positive. The Answer's do not mention that, just wanted to ensure I am thinking correctly about this question.