The mayoral race in Bensburg is a choice between Chu, a prodevelopment candidate, and Lewis, who favors placing great...

Ugo-Anyanwu on January 25, 2020

Help Eliminate answer choice A

I chose answer A because I interpreted it to mean an alternative reason why Chu will win. Please help me understand why this is wrong. Chu will win, not because they've won in the past, but because Lewis is not very experienced in city politics. I see clearly why C is the right choice, but I want to rule out A. Thanks.

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Victoria on January 25, 2020

Hi @Ugo-Anyanwu,

We are looking for the answer choice that will weaken the argument.

The author concludes that Chu will probably defeat Lewis in the mayoral race. Why? Because, unlike Lewis, Chu is a pro-development candidate and pro-development candidates have won the last six mayoral elections.

The passage does not talk about either candidate's experience in politics nor does it discuss how their experience, or lack thereof, is likely to influence the voters. In this way, answer choice (A) has no impact on the author's conclusion, making it an incorrect answer.

Hope this is helpful! Please let us know if you have any further questions.