June 2019 LSAT
Section 1
Question 11
The views put forward in the passage conform most closely to which one of the following principles governing new meth...

shunhe on February 18, 2020
Hi @sprozes,Thanks for the question! Take a look at the third paragraph starting at line 32. The passage here describes a process in which more fish is required as an input than fish is produced as an output, and the author of the passage clearly views this as a problem. This is what (C) is telling us: that processes that make food should put out more food then they need taking in. (E), on the other hand, is too strong because of the “only if†condition. There could very reasonably be reasons to implement food processes that don’t involve replacing other processes with undesirable ecological effects. A brief diagram of the contrapositive of this statement might help illustrate the force of this logic:
~Replace other methods that have undesirable ecological effects —> ~Should employ new methods of food production
which is too strong a statement.
Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any other questions that you might have.
Veda-Bhadharla on August 17, 2020
Why is D wrong?filozinni on August 20, 2020
Yes could anybody please explain why D is wrong please?josh on August 14, 2021
I think D is mixing the sufficient and necessary condition that one would want for the correct answer. D when diagrammed is:Promote diversification in types of food available AND Help bring about environmental improvement -> Employ
and the contrapositive:
~Employ -> ~Promote diversification in types of food available OR ~Help bring about environmental improvement
The passage is saying that fish farming is harmful to the environment and the ecosystems, therefore we should bet employ them, but to arrive at ~Employ is reversing the contrapositive which you can't do. Hope this helps.