Populations of a shrimp species at eleven different Indonesian coral reefs show substantial genetic differences from ...

shafieiava on February 19, 2020

Answer choice B

Can someone explain why answer choice B is wrong? I thought it helped to explain why there was genetic differences despite the interbreeding. I had a hard time parsing out what the logical flaw was in the last sentence here I was unsure if I should be more concerned about the breeding or the ocean waves moving the shrimp. Thanks in advance!

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SamA on February 19, 2020

Hello @Shafieiava,

There is not necessarily a flaw in this stimulus. The author is explaining that the substantial genetic difference between the shrimp populations is something that she did not expect. Why? Because she expected the currents to lead to interbreeding.

This is the paradox that we need to resolve.

B fails to explain this paradox, because the issue at hand is the genetic difference between populations, not the variation among individual shrimp. Despite genetic differences within one reef, the shrimp in one place could have even less in common with the shrimp at another reef.

C is the correct answer, because it demonstrates how the currents referenced by the scientist would not have an effect on breeding.