A good movie reviewer should be able to give favorable reviews of movies that are not to his or her taste. Because mo...

TimB on March 10, 2020

What type of question is this?

Hi! Always thrown by these questions.

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SamA on March 10, 2020

Hello @TimB,

This is a "Main Point" question. I don't believe that they are particularly common, but it is very important that you are able to answer them. For many different question types, we need to identify parts of an argument, especially the conclusion. If you struggle to identify conclusions and premises, it is definitely something worth practicing. Check out the "Argument Structure" and "Main Point" lessons.

In this case, my first indicator was the word "because" in the second sentence. You can tell that this sentence is meant to support the sentence before it. A conclusion will always require support. I think of it this way. Conclusions often leave me asking, "Why?" The premises will answer that question.

C: A good movie reviewer should be able to give favorable reviews of movies that are not to his or her taste.
P: Because movie reviewers have different taste from most moviegoers.
P: And the function of movie reviewers is to help people determine which movies they might like.

The last two sentences are premises in support of the first sentence. This makes the first sentence the conclusion, which is why B is the correct answer.