The author uses the word "immediacy" (line 39) most likely in order to express

camclanton on March 29, 2020

Example 8

Hi, we know from earlier in the lesson that 'if' indicates a sufficient condition and the other part of the statement is the necessary condition. I took this to mean that the clause directly following 'if' is automatically the sufficient condition. I am confused because example #8 answer choice C states "The new regulations will be successful if most of the students adhere to them." However, in the video, this statement is diagrammed like "NRS-->MSA". Since most students adhere is stated after the 'if', why is it not diagrammed the opposite way: "MSA-NRS"?

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BenMingov on March 29, 2020

Hi Cam, thanks for the question!

I took a look at the example that you mentioned and I think that you may have misread/copied the answer choice. In the original answer choice, the indicator present was "only if", which actually functions as a necessary indicator rather than sufficient.

Had the answer choice been written as you have it above, then your thinking is 100% valid. For future reference, pay close attention to whether the indicator is "if" vs. "Only if" as it is easy to simply see the word "if" and think that you are looking at a sufficient indicator.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions!