The author uses the word "immediacy" (line 39) most likely in order to express

kens on April 4, 2020

either or statement diagraming

I have hard time understanding the difference between A--->B B/---->A/ A/--->B B/--->A (/= negation) Are they both S&N diagram for either or? If so, does either or mean that either A or B, or both A&B could exist?

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SamA on April 12, 2020

Hello @kenken,

Your first diagram would be for a standard if/then statement.
If A, then B.

A ---> B
not B ---> not A

It allows for the possibility of A & B existing, or B by itself, but A cannot exist without B.

Your second diagram could represent an either/or relationship. Either A or B.

not A ---> B
not B ---> A

Unless it specifically says "but not both," then both A and B can exist. Notice that both sufficient conditions are negative. If we are told that B exists, we have no idea what effect this has on A, and vice versa. Only if we are told that B doesn't exist can we make a conclusion about A.

hadiyah2 on April 17, 2020

Hello, I understand that "either A or B" means that A and B could exist at the same time, but I don't see how that is translated by the diagram
Not A-->B
not B--->A
it seems like they cannot exist at the same time. What am I missing?

ohanamgt on January 2, 2021

your example does not specify "not both" so, the both could exist - its a possibility

ohanamgt on June 15, 2021

second is either/or OR both