As it is presented in the passage, the approach to history taken by mainstream U.S. historians of the late nineteenth...
jmackeenon April 14, 2020
Game 2 Question 4 & 6
I am confused as to how Hall can be on day 2 without Jones having to be on Day 1. Both of these answers place Hall on 2 without Jones on 1, if you could please explain. Thanks!
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Rule #3 states: "If Jones views the site on day 1, Hall views the site on day 2." We diagram this as: J1 -> H2 The contrapositive of this is: not H2 -> not J1
Notice that H2 is our Necessary condition. We know that we can only use the Sufficient to conclude the Necessary, not the other way around. So, we cannot assume that J goes in spot 1 just because we have H in spot 2. In other words, if we have J1, we must have H2. If we have H2, we do not have to have J1. The Sufficient and Necessary lesson talks more about this concept if you'd like additional review.
Does that make sense? Please let us know if you have any other questions!