Thanks for the question! So let’s take a look at the format of this question. I’ll diagram it out really quickly:
Files tax return on time —> Accountant prepares & Accountant doesn’t ask Accountant prepares —> Accountant asks Conclusion: No file on time
To make this a bit more abstract:
A —> B & C B —> ~C Conclusion: ~A
(B) tells us that Tovah can’t attend a concert if away on business. If she misses the concert, she can’t attend another one this month. She’ll be away on business, so she won’t attend a concert this month.
Away on business —> Cannot attend next week Cannot attend next week —> Can’t attend this month Away on business Conclusion: Can’t attend this month
A —> B B —> C A Therefore: C
(C)’s diagram tells us:
~Play video games —> Not content Play video games —> No other activities planned ~Break from planned activities —> Not content
~A —> B A —> C Conclusion: C —> B
(D)’s diagram tells us:
Not seated first class —> seated business class Not seated first class Conclusion: seated business class
A —> B A
Therefore: B
Hope this helps. Feel free to ask any further questions that you might have.