Theodore will be able to file his tax return on time only in the event that he has an accountant prepare his tax retu...

connordelacruz on April 15, 2020


B, C, and D all seem similar. What’s the difference between these?

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shunhe on April 16, 2020

Hi @connordelacruz,

Thanks for the question! So let’s take a look at the format of this question. I’ll diagram it out really quickly:

Files tax return on time —> Accountant prepares & Accountant doesn’t ask
Accountant prepares —> Accountant asks
Conclusion: No file on time

To make this a bit more abstract:

A —> B & C
B —> ~C
Conclusion: ~A

(B) tells us that Tovah can’t attend a concert if away on business. If she misses the concert, she can’t attend another one this month. She’ll be away on business, so she won’t attend a concert this month.

Away on business —> Cannot attend next week
Cannot attend next week —> Can’t attend this month
Away on business
Conclusion: Can’t attend this month


A —> B
B —> C
Therefore: C

(C)’s diagram tells us:

~Play video games —> Not content
Play video games —> No other activities planned
~Break from planned activities —> Not content


~A —> B
A —> C
Conclusion: C —> B

(D)’s diagram tells us:

Not seated first class —> seated business class
Not seated first class
Conclusion: seated business class


A —> B

Therefore: B

Hope this helps. Feel free to ask any further questions that you might have.