If you study history, then you will appreciate the vast differences among past civilizations, and you will appreciate...

Henleys on April 22, 2020

Trying to figure out the error in the reasoning

What error is being committed? I usually try to find a flaw when I do these and then use it to to cross-Out those not matching. Had a hard time finding it.

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BenMingov on April 22, 2020

Hi Henleys, thanks for the question.

This is a sufficient/necessary error going from the premises to the conclusion.

There are two sufficient/necessary statements made in the premises.

Study history -> Appreciate vast differences among past civilizations

Reflect on your own civilization -> Appreciate vast differences among past civilizations

These statements on their own are fine. But it is the conclusion that follows from these two statements that is highly questionable.

Study history -> Reflect on your own civilization

Somehow a connection was drawn between these two terms when there was absolutely none to be found. This is the error.

If you examine B, you will notice it commits the same error.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions or if you would like me to elaborate further!

kalinwoodward on June 13, 2020

Doesn't E show a similar flaw, in that it makes a connection between two necessary conditions?