Zachary: One would have to be blind to the reality of moral obligation to deny that people who believe a course of ac...

mahosmar on April 25, 2020

Why is C Incorrect?

When comparing C and E, it seems they present identical situations where 2 people confront each other with opposing moral beliefs. In C's case, one investment banker who wants government regulation in the market confronts someone who does not support intervention in market forces, which I interpret as opposing forces. Is C incorrect because both investment bankers disagree on a theoretical level and would not require one person to "stop" the other? Thanks!

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Skylar on April 26, 2020

@maxhosmar, happy to help!

You seem to be on the right track. Both the passage and answer choice (E) describe instances wherein two people feel morally obligated to act in ways that oppose each other. Answer choice (C) differs because it describes a case wherein two people disagree not on their own moral obligations, but instead on the moral obligation of the government. Here, the people in question can have a theoretical debate, but it is not their firsthand morally-driven actions that are in opposition. This makes (C) less powerful and ultimately incorrect.

Does that make sense? Please let us know if you have any additional questions!