Which one of the following distinguishes the Ban Chiang populations discussed in passage B from the populations discu...

Gabby_teixeira on April 28, 2020

Why is B correct?

Please explain, thanks!

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colleen_ on June 24, 2020

I would also love an answer to this question!

1127 on July 4, 2020

I would also. Thank you!!

alliehall21 on July 10, 2020

Please answer^

Brandi on August 2, 2020

I would also love an explanation.

Sam11111 on August 8, 2020

I would also like a breakdown of the answer, please.

Emil-Kunkin on July 1 at 01:33AM

As we see in the first sentence of the last paragraph of A, that paragraph is talking about non agricultural populations. However, we are told around line 51 that the BC culture ate cultivated rice and yams.