Which one of the following, if substituted for the condition that the telephone appointment cannot be scheduled for t...

nicolebet on April 28, 2020

Question 6

The question wording threw me off. I watched the video and it helped clarify a bit, but I am still iffy. Is there another example we can use? Thanks !

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Emil-Kunkin on January 15, 2024

This is a rule replacement question, which tends to pop up about once per test. The wording will always be about the same, so all you need to know is that the new rule will need to have the exact same effect on the game as the old rule. Very often, the right answer will effectively be a restatement of the old rule, or a deduction the old rule allowed us to make. Just make sure that the answer you like doesn't ban anything that was previously allowed or allow anything that was previously banned, in which case it would not have the exact same effect.