Which one of the following is an acceptable assignment of technicians to computers?

avif on April 29, 2020


I got the correct answer by limiting it to two choices A and C but I don't understand why it needs to be C and it can't be A. Please explain. Thanks

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Hipolito on May 18, 2020

Last rule states "Exactly one computer is examined by both Ruiz and Tapia"

avif on May 18, 2020

Aha. I thought that it meant that both Ruiz and Tapia examined only one computer. Not that they examined the same one.

Hipolito on May 19, 2020

Me too! I got it wrong

Lenny on May 17, 2021

Very unclear wording, wasting a minute or two between these because of how unclear that rule was, but eventually chose the correct answer because I realized that the condition had to mean RT are together for a correct answer to be determined.