Everyone should have access to more than one newspaper, for there are at least two sides to every story. Since all si...

kens on May 2, 2020

question 22

Since all sides of an important story should be covered, and no newspaper adequately covers all sides of every one of its stories, some important stories would not be adequately covered if there were only one newspaper. Isn't the statement saying that since no one newspaper can adequately cover all sides of important stories, some important storied would not be covered? If so, how can we conclude that answer choice A is correct? Thanks in advance.

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Emil-Kunkin on March 27, 2023

Th author doesn't say as a premise that no newspaper can cover all sides of important stories, just that they can't cover all sides of all total stories. This leaves open the possibility that the stories that they fail to cover all sides of are unimportant.