If the granola and truck commercials are not aired consecutively, then which one of the following could be true?

Audrey-Swope on May 5, 2020

How is S second?

I wrote out the two scenarios that S is second and both times G and T are consecutively next to each other. Can someone explain the set up?

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BenMingov on May 6, 2020

Hi Audrey, thanks for the question.

I am reading your scenarios but I am not sure that these are forced.

The only rules that this game provides result in the following:

P - G

An FS/SF block - T

If we wanted to make some inference worthy setups, we could make 3 templates with the block being 12, 23, or 34.

Depending on the placement of this block, then we can place P - G and T. It is a very unrestricted game should go by relatively quickly with a setup showing these options.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions or would like me to elaborate further!