Based on the information in the passage, with which one of the following statements regarding solar electrical system... on May 12, 2020

Why not E?

I see why A is correct, but I picked E though it was wrong because I thought the reason renewable energy failed in Brazil was because there was no long term support, for example, support from local government. Could someone please explain the incorrect answer E? Thank you

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Courtney-McClelland on April 12, 2021

^^I had this same reasoning, and would love an explanation for why E is incorrect or where the support for that is. Thanks!

Emil-Kunkin on April 8 at 02:39AM

I think the danish project directly contradicts E. It shows that renewables can be viable when the political elements are properly arranged. Furthermore the issue in Brazil a
Had nothing to do with the long term functioning of the systems. We have no idea if the actual systems worked in Brazil. The project failed for political and economic reasons.