Columnist: Analysts argue that as baby boomers reach the age of 50, they will begin seriously planning for retiremen...

ShawnHill on May 18, 2020

How should we go about answering this question?

I understand why (C) is the correct answer choice and why my answer (A) is incorrect. What I would like to know is how you would advise us to answer this question during an exam. Do we even need to diagram this? What is the most effective way to answer this question to save time? Thank you!

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Emil-Kunkin on December 24, 2023

I would not diagram. This is asking us at a high level, what the author does in this argument. Your job is just to read the passage, and understand how the author supports her point. While a diagram is one tool to potentially help you understand, I think simply reading and thinking about what the authors main point is would be better.