The author would most likely describe the proposals mentioned in the passage with which one of the following statements?

shafieiava on May 22, 2020

Answer choices C, D, and E

Can someone explain this question, particularly answer choices C, D, and E? I narrowed the question to these three answer choices but then I had trouble from there because I felt that all three had partially unsupported elements. Thanks in advance!

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Emil-Kunkin on November 2 at 03:07AM

The first sentence of the last paragraph directly supports C, it shows that the proposals were swimming against the tide of popular prejudice. The author also appears generally well disposed towards the two proposals despite their shortcomings. The same sentence directly disproved D: the failed because of the overwhelming sexism prevailing in society at the time. As to E, it misunderstands the record. They were not adopted because they were too radical not because they were insufficiently comprehensive.