June 2017 LSAT
Section 4
Question 23
Which one of the following, if substituted for the condition that Fan and Haley cannot visit the same city as each ot...
filozinni on June 14, 2020
I also would like a more clearer explanation than the previous one. Thank you!Emil-Kunkin on February 11 at 04:19PM
One way to simplify rule replace,ent questions is to think about it in terms of what would force the original rule to be true. That is, we are looking for an answer choice that can give us the initial rule as a deduction. We are trying to find something that forces F and H to not go together.E does this exactly. E means that at least one of IG must be in every city. This means there will never be enough space for FH to go to gather.
iHAVE33FLAWSandAcommonLSATflawAINTone on May 4 at 12:32AM
What would your process be going question by question, or would you have an anticipation on here?Emil-Kunkin on May 12 at 03:05PM
I would Tend to have a very rough anticipation in mind, but it's usually of the character of "it should restate the initial rule," so I would try to look for ways to restate the initial rule. That is, I'd look for ways to link other rules that then trigger the initial one.iHAVE33FLAWSandAcommonLSATflawAINTone on May 14 at 10:02PM
Thanks Emil!