Based on the passage, it can be concluded that the author and Broyles-González hold essentially the same attitude toward

Lea on May 22, 2020

Matching sufficient terms

Hi, In an A-some-B statement, does A or B represent the sufficient term? What about in a A-most-B statement? I am having trouble identifying whether Rule #2 is satisfied or not because of the position of the sufficient term.

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Lea on May 23, 2020

I think I understand it now, but can someone please verify this? For Rule #2 to be true, the term that is in the S spot in the S --> N statement must be in one of the "some" or "most" statements, regardless of whether that S term is in the left or right spot.

Lea on May 23, 2020

I think I understand it now, but can someone please verify this? For Rule #2 to be true, the term that is in the S spot in the S --> N statement must be in one of the "some" or "most" statements, regardless of whether that S term is in the left or right spot.