Which one of the following is an acceptable schedule for the training?

zia305 on May 23, 2020


Why is A right and D wrong?

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Skylar on May 25, 2020

@zia305, happy to help!

On these types of questions, it is most effective to go through the answer choices rule-by-rule.

The first rule eliminates (B) because U is in spot 6.
The second rule eliminates (E) because R precedes U.
The third rule eliminates (C) because Q is in the first month and T is in the third month, so Q is not in the month immediately prior to T.
The fourth rule eliminates (D) because, although S is in the third month, S is not the third agent trained. S is only preceded by U, making S the second agent to be trained and violating Rule #4.

This leaves (A) as the correct answer. (A) does not violate any rules, and we should diagram it to the side as a free hypothetical that may be of use later in the game.

Does that make sense? Please let us know if you have any other questions!

forsbea1 on May 25, 2020

D is incorrect because it lists Shaw as the second agent trained. Rule 4 states Shaw is the THIRD agent to be trained.