Which one of the following CANNOT be a complete and accurate list of the students presenting on Machiavellianism?

aonyonyi on June 9, 2020

Please clarify

Hello, I am having a little trouble understanding what the question is asking. Please clarify. Thanks, Amy

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shunhe on June 14, 2020

Hi @aonyonyi,

Thanks for the question! So the question is asking for an answer choice that can’t be a “complete” and “accurate” list of the student presenting on Machiavellianism. Which means that the list of students presented in the answer choice is going to be the final list presenting on M in that given answer choice. We have to find the one that violates one of the rules. If (A) were the correct answer, for example, then it would mean that it is impossible for Rita only to present on Machiavellianism, because it would violate some rules in the game.

Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any other questions that you might have.