Until recently it was widely believed that only a limited number of species could reproduce through parthenogenesis, ...

Maria-Marin on June 10, 2020


Can you explain please how B is wrong?

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shunhe on June 14, 2020

Hi @Maria-Marin,

Thanks for the question! So take another look at what the stimulus is telling us. We’re told that until recently, people thought that only a limited number of species could reproduce through parthenogenesis. But now, as interest has increased, we’ve been finding parthenogenesis in more species. So the author concludes that the number of species that can reproduce using parthenogenesis itself is increasing.

Now let’s take a look at (B), which tells us that the argument takes for granted that because one thing follows another, then one thing must’ve been caused by the other. Is this what happens? In our stimulus, we have increased interest coming before discoveries. Does the author conclude that increased interest caused the discoveries? No, the author is concluding that the species that can reproduce through it are just increasing, which is the opposite of this answer choice. So (B) is wrong.

Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any other questions that you might have.

shunhe on June 14, 2020

Hi @bcross,

Thanks for the question! So what’re we told here. We know that decentralization helps autonomous functioning, which always permits more realistic planning and strongly encourages innovation.

Now take a look at (A), which tells us that in large institutions whose divisions don’t function autonomously, planning isn’t maximally realistic. This is pretty strong wording, but it’s supported here. We know that autonomous functioning ALWAYS permits more realistic planning. That means that if you aren’t autonomously functioning, your planning isn’t maximally realistic, because you could function autonomously, which would permit more realistic planning.

(C), on the other hand, is incorrect because the stimulus never talks about the disadvantages of decentralization, so we can’t weigh the advantages against the disadvantages based on the stimulus.

Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any other questions that you might have.

shunhe on June 14, 2020

^Sorry, please ignore that post, that was meant for another question. My bad.