Which one of the following could be true?

LaurenL on June 10, 2020

Question Approach

Hi, I was wondering how to approach this question in the fastest way possible? Also, will you be uploading question specific videos for this game? They would really help. Thanks

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Emil-Kunkin on December 20, 2023

For a cannot be true question, we should start by eliminating anything that clearly violates a rule. This question actually allows us to do that for three answer choices, which all violate the final rule, leaving us with C and E. From there, we can test out our two remainders to see which one works. It's great to understand why C doesn't work (since q must either be in the middle of r and n, or alternatively be either immediately before R or after n), but if you tested out E first and found a valid scenario with it, that would be sufficient.