December 2015 LSAT
Section 2
Question 21
shunhe on June 14, 2020
Hi @avif,avif on June 15, 2020
Thanks for the response. I don't understand what you are saying. If we combine the information that we have in the application with what we have in answer choice D than it makes sense. We know that S criticizes himself (answer choice D) and therefore if he doesn't also vow to stop also then he shouldn't criticize others. But if he would vow to stop then he would have both the sufficient conditions which would allow him to criticize others. What am I missing here?Emil-Kunkin on March 27, 2023
The principle that we are trying to apply here is that you should not criticize if you fail two tests. D establishes that S passes one of the tests. If S passes the test, then the principle cannot be properly applied.