February 1993 LSAT
Section 1
Question 23
Defendants who can afford expensive private defense lawyers have a lower conviction rate than those who rely on court...

Victoria on June 26, 2020
Hi @filozinni,Happy to help!
The passage offers an explanation for why criminals who commit white-collar crimes are more successful at avoiding conviction than street criminals.
The explanation offered is that those defendants who can afford expensive defence lawyers have a lower conviction rate than those who use public defenders.
Answer choice (D) is correct because it eliminates an alternative explanation. It is possible that white-collar criminals are more successful at avoiding conviction than street criminals because they are more likely to be accused of crimes they did not actually commit. Answer choice (D) tells us that the percentage of defendants who actually committed the crimes they are accused of does not differ between those who are publicly as opposed to privately defended. This makes it more likely that the difference in conviction rate is due to the quality of their defence.
Answer choice (B) is tempting but it actually weakens the explanation. The passage suggests that it is the difference in lawyers which results in the lower conviction rate. This explanation is undermined if it is actually true that the lower conviction rate is due to incompetent prosecutors as opposed to the defence.
Hope this is helpful! Please let us know if you have any further questions.
Raheel on June 20 at 04:48PM
Why is A wrong?
Emil-Kunkin on June 21 at 09:48PM
A actually weakens the argument. The author is trying to show that the reason white collar criminals are convicted less than street criminals is that they have access to better lawyers. A would mean that street criminals would also have access to the same expensive lawyers, so the authors argument would make little sense.