Thanks for the question! So for this question, we know that none of G, S, or T can be on the fourth day. So let’s say we put T on the fifth day, since T basically has to be in the first or fifth day. Then we have
__ __ __ __ T __
Now let’s think about where we have to put G and S. We can’t put G and S in slots 2 and 3 or 4 (from this game and the third rule), and we’ve already put T somewhere. That means P, W, and L have to go in slots 2, 3, and 4. But this means that one of G or S will have to go in slot 1 (since the slots remaining to fill are slots 1 and 6). But G and S also can’t go in slot 1, since P has to be earlier than both of them. Which means we can’t put T in slot 5; T has to go in slot 1, since that’s how we can avoid putting G and S in slot 1.
Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any other questions that you might have.