Which one of the following conforms to the policy advocated by the author of passage A but not advocated by the autho...

kassidee on June 16, 2020

“Not advocated”

Does not advocated here mean the author of passage b disagrees with the policy, or does it mean she just is not an advocate for it? Please clarify as I see how they do not advocate for this, but I was looking for something that the author of b would specifically disagree with!

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Victoria on June 27, 2020

Hi @kassidee,

The question is asking you to select the answer choice which outlines the policy that the author of Passage A advocates for. This policy is not advocated for by the author of Passage B.

This does not mean that the author of Passage B would necessarily disagree with the policy; it simply suggests that the answer choice will not be a policy that both authors would advocate for.

Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any further questions.