Which one of the following could be a complete and accurate list of the varieties of trees planted in each of the parks?

DBertaux on June 21, 2020

“At Least One”

Hi, I understand that “at least one” signifies both sufficient and necessary. However, I am having a bit of trouble understanding why we could not have G-MST and L-MST. Is the reason for this that we need to include all elements? It’s possible I overlooked this but my understanding was “at least one” requires MS in one park but does not limit it to one and we could have a case where there are two. A more thorough explanation on this would be very helpful. Thank you!

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DBertaux on June 21, 2020

I.e. answer to Question 16

Skylar on June 21, 2020

@DBertaux, happy to help!

The phrase "at least one" does allow for the possibility that there exists more than one. In this game, it is possible for both parks to have an arrangement of MST. This is discussed in our second hypothetical during the game setup, in question #14, and in question #16.

In other words, this is a valid possible scenario:

Does that make sense? Hope it helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions!

amoli078@fiu.edu on September 7, 2023

Does the fact that they do not mention each has to go at least one, indicate that one can not go at all? Can we never have O show up? this had me slowed down for the entire game.

Emil-Kunkin on September 7, 2023

At least from the setup I don't see a reason why one type of tree would be banned from not appearing. It doesn't look like we're ever told that every type must be planted in at least one of the parks.

Now it's possible that based on the rules it would be impossible to make a valid scenario with no Os or no Ts, but that would
Be a question of building out thar scenario and testing it.