Commentator: If a political administration is both economically successful and successful at protecting individual li...

Audrey-Walker on June 22, 2020

Key Words for Conclusions

Could we be provided with all the keywords for identifying conclusions in argument structure questions? In the answer explanations, you point out words like hence, therefore, and since but don't give us a general list to start.

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Skylar on June 22, 2020

@Audrey-Walker, happy to help!

Here's a list of keywords that are often used to signal conclusions:
- therefore
- hence
- thus
- consequently
- it follows that
- so
- accordingly
- it can be concluded that
- we may infer
- for this reason
- as a result

Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list and that we cannot be sure a point is the main conclusion just because it uses one of these words.

Does that make sense? Hope it helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions!

Audrey-Walker on July 2, 2020

Thank you!