Fishery officials are still considering options for eliminating Lake Davis's population of razor–toothed northern pik...

MrLaw on June 25, 2020

Why not E?

I'm at a loss as to how the argument suggests that poisoning the lake was unsuccessful. As I read the text, I only see that the negative effect of poisoning the lake was tainted water which infuriated residents and negatively impacted tourism. How should we induce from this that poisoning the lake was unsuccessful in also killing pike?

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MrLaw on June 25, 2020

Never mind…

BenMingov on June 26, 2020

Hi Alexander, thanks for reaching out.

Sounds like you got it on your own, however, if you any questions remaining please reach out again! Best of luck with your studies!

Enola on September 30, 2020

Hi Ben, would it be ok for you to explain the answer? Thank you!