Of the many test pilots who have flown the new plane, none has found it difficult to operate. So it is unlikely that ...

aseikhon11 on July 1, 2020

Why is B wrong?

I found B & D to be similar. Is B wrong because it goes from book reviewers to people and D is right because it sticks to the reviewer?

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shunhe on July 2, 2020

Hi @anchelle,

Thanks for the question! So let’s take a look at the stimulus for a second. We know that none of the test pilots who have flown the new plane have found it hard to operate. So, we conclude, it’s unlikely that the one flying it tomorrow will find it hard to operate. Pretty simple structure here. In the past, no one’s found it hard, so the next one probably won’t find it hard either.

Now let’s take a look at (B) and see if it’s similar to the reasoning in the argument above. Many of the book reviewers who read the new novel found it very entertaining. So it’s unlikely that most people who buy it will find it boring. This is different from a couple of reasons. First of all, notice that in the stimulus, it says that of the many pilots who have flown the new plane, none have found it hard to operate. So 0% of pilots who have flown the plane have found it hard. But (B) is different. It’s just saying that many reviewers who read it found it entertaining. That could mean that 100 people read it, and 51 found it entertaining (and “many” really just means “some,” so it doesn’t even have to be over 50%). Then almost 50% of people who read it would not find it entertaining. So that’s way different from the case with the pilots. Also, the conclusion in the answer choice is about most people who buy the book, not one particular person. But the conclusion in the stimulus is about one particular person; not about most people.

Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any other questions that you might have.